Bookings are only open 6 months in advance due to the new Women & Children's Hospital construction, and will remain open online only as long as updates ensure us parties won't be negatively affected


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Can I bring my own cake? 

Café Bonython primarily trades in Cakes and Desserts consequently we charge cakeage for anyone wishing to bring their own cake.  To put this into context naturally you would never go into a bar with your own beer in your hand and expect them to say that is ok 

If an outside cake is brought in, the cakage fee will be $10 per head. 

Please be aware that when you book a Cupcake Decorating Party with us, you will receive a discount on a cake purchased for the party in our webstore.

Is the date I want available? 

You can view the party time slot availabilities for any date by clicking on the BOOK NOW button. You can then click on any visible date on the Calendar. All the time slots for parties still available that day are at the bottom of the Calendar.
If the date is not visible written in black, then there are no available party time slots for that date.

Can I have less than 10 party participants?

You can have only 8 participants, but unfortunately we still need to charge the same as 10 participants.  

This is due to the costs in staff labour for party preparation, cooking, party set up, hosting, clean up etc. is still practically the same as for 10 participants resulting in the party become unviable cost wise once under 10 participants. 

Why can't I book for more than 15 party participants online?

Our website Children’s Parties states * Bookings for over 15 Party participants are only available via email due to limitations in extreme weather” so that a party of over 15 participants can’t be booked when the weather is anticipated to likely be too extreme to be held comfortably
in gazebos outside.
To ensure the comfort of our party participants, we don't allow bookings of over 15 when the weather is typically extremely hot or cold as that is the maximum we can fit inside the shelter of the Cafe's only enclosed dining area.

Please be aware that 15+ participant cupcake parties require an extended 2 hour
duration to enable a layout reset time, and therefore incur an additional 25%
charge for the longer time and the fact that it reduces the number of parties
we can host that day.

The maximum Cupcake Decorating party participants we can cater is 20.

Can I add more participants? 

Yes you can
- but as per the party booking Terms & Conditions, all party details are to be finalised in writing a minimum of 2 weeks before your party. Therefore we ask that you ensure your party invitation RSVP date allows you enough time to contact us to increase your participants.

This due to the fact that
staff rosters need to be provided at least 7 days
before they commence, and product orders to be placed in time for delivery. We then invoice you for the additional costs according to your increased numbers, and final payment is required a week before your party.

Please be aware that 15+ participant cupcake parties require an extended 2 hour
duration to enable a layout reset time, and therefore incur an additional 25%
charge for the longer time and the fact that it reduces the number of parties
we can host that day

Can I get a refund if I cancel?




  1. No cakes to be brought in. Café Bonython primarily trades in cakes and desserts, So should you BYO cake you will be asked to remove them.  This is embarrassing for you as the customer and us as the host. 
  2. No external catering without permission (with the exclusion of baby food or allergies we’re unable to cater for) So should you BYO catering you will be asked to remove them.  This is embarrassing for you as the customer and us as the host. 
  3. No outside entertainment is to be brought inside the café or party area (Eg. Face Painting) 
  4. No refunds for cancellations. If there is room to reschedule under exceptional circumstances we will try to accommodate, but are under no obligation. All applications for rescheduling must be made in writing. 
  5. All food and drink are to be consumed in party area only. 
  6. Management reserves the right to use the café as a café during the party. Adults are NOT guaranteed seating in the café adjacent to the party area. 
  7. In the event of any damages incurred by the guests/children, the Hirer will be held responsible. 
  8. Damage to café property shall be paid for by any person(s) who wilfully or negligently causes such damage.  
  9. Person(s) are responsible for damages incurred by guests/children.  
  10. Anyone found causing wilful damage to any café property, or found to have removed or misused cafe property may be charged to the full extent of the law 
  11. Any damage discovered prior to booking, please report to reception, this will ensure that your party will not be held responsible.  
  12. All areas used must be left in an orderly condition.  Should the café require any additional cleaning (above that which is normally done after a party) as a result of your use of the café, the hirer will be invoiced for these additional costs.  
  13. Cleaning time by the hirer must be included in the total party area hire period and must not exceed the 1.5 hour allocated party time.  
  14. The hirer is required to vacate the party area at the expiration of the time specified on the booking. Failure to do so will result in additional costs being charged to the hirer.  
  15. Groups are to maintain and keep order and decent behaviour 
  16. Café Bonython is a Non-Smoking Building - Smoking is prohibited within 100 metres from door openings.  
  17. The hirer shall not permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the currency of the hirer’s booking 
  18. In the event of the emergency our host will assemble hirer’s group together and the group must await staff instructions.  
  19. All additional Party participants/catering/cake/etc must be finalised in writing a minimum of 2 weeks before the event, and resulting invoices paid in full a minimum of 1 week before the event. 
  20. Cafe Bonython birthday parties are just as much fun in the rain!  Sometimes a little bit of rain will come inside the marquees.  Children are good spirited and enjoy unplanned things that happen and rain is one of those things. 
The party will continue to operate during wet weather, only in extreme high wind or lightning conditions may the party be temporarily paused until the weather passes.  When possible and practical we will try to move into the cafe.  The consideration to other dine in guests must be factored in and if this decision is made we ask that parents assist supervising the children while we reset.
Refunds or exchanges will not be granted if your party goes ahead and the decision is solely at the discretion of the manager on duty. As the majority of the experience is outdoors, we do suggest you bring rain jackets with you and dress for the weather.
    If your party does not go ahead due to Cafe Bonython making the decision for any reason a reschedule date will be offered within 4 weeks of your cancelled party.

What's included in a Cupcake Decorating Party?

Cupcake Decorating Party Schedule


Upon arrival

✓ We kindly ask guest to arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled party time.

✓ You will be greeted by one of our friendly staff out the counter of our cafe. There will be an exclusive use space

Where we only host one party at a time. The existing party could still be finishing so we will bring you in once they have vacated the party area.

✓ Once all of the guests have arrived, your party hosts will commence and get the party started (we allow for a 15 minute “late window” for guests who may running late).

It’s time to Make Cupcakes!

First we decorate the cupcake take home boxes. Then the hosts will go through the cupcake decorating kits with the guests.

✓ They will introduce and explain how to use the tools, cutters and fondant (if age appropriate) - which they start to feel and play with the fondant. This is the fun part as the party guests get to look, touch, feel and figure out what all of their tools are for.

✓ Party guests are guided by the party hosts who will be giving a live demonstration of each step, step by step as they go along so no one will be left behind.

✓ First step, we soften and roll out the fondant and cut out a whole lot of shapes with the cutters, this is the fun - deciding what shapes to cut out, why not cut out one of everything!

✓ Second step, guided by the hosts, we roll out fondant to form the base of our cupcake decorating, we will use special cutters as well as embossing rollers that give the cupcake that extra unique flare.

✓ Third step, once again guided by the party hosts, we continue decorating the cupcakes with some of the shapes that we cut out in the first step, each guest learning not only how to stick the base fondant layer to the cupcake with the frosting, but then how to layer and decorate the cupcake with the fondant shapes cut out – we will decorate 3 cupcakes each together with the host.

Let’s play!

✓ Time for FREESTYLE!! This is where the party guests get to play with their creativity and unleash their decorating skills now they have the know-how. Party guests will decorate their remaining 3 cupcakes themselves with supervision and assistance from the hosts where required.

Decorating wrap up

✓ At the end of the decorating (1 hour), we will pack our cupcake box with our cupcakes so that they can safely transport their decorated cupcakes home in style and show off their masterpieces to family and friends!

✓ The cupcake decorating ends with clean up instructions to prepare for party food time.

Party Inclusions

✓ 6 freshly baked cupcakes for each guest individually decorate (and keep!) with their own creative flare

✓ Each party guest receives their very own apron to use on the day

✓ Window cupcake box (6 hole) to their cupcakes home in to show off their masterpieces

✓ Use of their own individual decorating tool kit for the day

✓ Cupcake decorating supplies including frosting and 6 fondant colours (including white)

✓ Loads of cutters to choose and use while decorating their cupcake

✓ Rolling pins

✓ All equipment needed to use during the party

✓ Special present for the birthday child

✓ Free pdf invitation template to send to your guests

✓ 1-hour facilitation by highly experienced party hostesses to make the party seamless and fun - ensuring no guest is left out!

✓ Our standard party food package includes: Chips, Fairy Bread and the
- choice of *Nuggets or *Mini Hot Dogs
- choice of *Pink Lemonade or *Apple Juice

✓ 1⁄2 hour for free time of eating, cutting the cake and playing.

What food is included? 

Hot Chips and Fairy bread are included, along with your choice of either:
* Nuggets or *Mini Hot Dogs
and your choice of either:
*Apple Juice or *Pink Lemonade

How to order additional food for the party? 

If you’d like to pre-order catering for either your Cupcake Decorating Party participants, or their parents, you can do so from the SHOP section of this site.
This must be a minimum of 7 days before your party.

Just make your PICK UP date & time to match your party time. Writing “For (your child’s name) Party” in the NOTES section will ensure your catering is paired with your party.

Please email any food or cake special order queries a minimum of 2 weeks before your party date.

What’s included in a Themed Party? 

A party theme includes matching themed napkins, plates, cups, balloon, banner, accessories in accordance with product availability. Will be substituted with the colour alternative to enhance the look wherever appropriate (eg. where a themed napkinisn’t available a colour alternative will be substituted). If there are trinkets available in the theme they will be included, depending on availability from wholesalers at the time.

What themes are available for the party?

Cupcake Party themes:

Harry Potter
Jungle Animals
Justice League
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
My Little Pony
Outer Space
Paw Patrol
Peppa Pig
Sesame Street
Sponge Bob Square Pants
Star Wars
Super Marion Bros
Toy Story
Under the Sea
Zoo Animals

We are happy to do any theme chosen provided we can source party supplies for that theme in Australia.
Eg. napkins, plates, cups, balloons

Can my party have more than 1 theme? 

Yes, you can have 2 themes simultaneously for your party. It will just cost an additional $10 per participant for the second theme also. You will need order your party in one of the themes you have chosen, them email us the 2nd theme you chose and we’ll send you an invoice for the additional $10 per participant, which will need to be paid a minimum of 2 weeks before your party.

Can I organise a Face Painter or other entertainment? 

Outside entertainment cannot be set up or carrying out business in the cafe or party area as independent business is not covered under our insurance.  

It is a council regulation that all outside business carry out a risk assessment and apply for a business permit.

Can I bring additional party decorations? 

You are welcome to bring your own balloons/decorations to add to the party set up, however you will then need to attach them yourself immediately and remove them immediately after your party ends. As our staff need to quickly clean up after each party and begin set up for the next party booked, and therefore unfortunately they don’t have time to remove additional decorations that are brought in.

What do the parents do during the party? 

What adults choose to do while the party takes place varies. Some parents like to escape while the party is being hosted, and some like to observe the party. 

We give you the option of having a plastic chairs setup for the adults near the party to watch if desired, or a table/s at the café instead if you prefer. 
To reserve either type of seating for the parents of your party participants, it's vital that you book it with our Parties & Events Team a minimum 2 weeks before your party by emailing

Can I have my party in the School Holidays?

Due to past experiences, we know that School Holidays are extremely busy at the Café, therefore unfortunately we don’t host Birthday Parties during them.

As we are working with a small kitchen & area for staff to function in, regrettably therefore it’s not possible to effectively cater to the huge demands of customers on a public holiday whilst also hosting a party of the quality we endeavour to uphold.